Burton Waters Marina LtdMarinas, Boat Builders & Fitters, Crane Lift In or Out, Boat Diesel, Boat Mechanics & Spares, Chandlery Equipment & Supplies, Boat Sales, Showers, Pump Out & Sanitation Services, Elsan Disposal, Laundry, Electric Hookup, Water Points, Water Point in Facilities,  in or near to Lincoln

 Burton Lane End, Lincoln LN1 2WN

Burton Waters Marina Ltd can be found on the Fossdyke Navigation in Avon and quite near to Lincoln.

What can be found at: Burton Waters Marina Ltd

Our facilities at Burton Waters include a sales suite alongside the Marina with a large workshop facility, including boat repairs, joinery, electronics and engineering. Our workshop staff are fully trained specialists, offering a range of services encompassing engine servicing and repairs (we are an approved dealer for Yamaha and Volvo and Mercury specialists), boat repairs in GRP and steel, electronics, and boat fit-out. With extensive car parking and a hard standing area, we have everything for the boating enthusiast.

In September 2007, we opened our second sales office in Ipswich. Based at Ipswich Haven Marina, Burton Waters Boat Sales Ipswich offers a sales suite, a large chandlery selection, water moorings, hard standing, engineering services and car parking.

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