Shepperton Marina LtdMarinas, Crane Lift In or Out, Boat Diesel, Boat Mechanics & Spares, Docking Hardstanding & Storage, Chandlery Equipment & Supplies, Boat Sales, Showers, Pump Out & Sanitation Services, Elsan Disposal, Laundry, Electric Hookup, Short Term Mooring, Long Term Mooring, Water Point in Facilities,  in or near to Shepperton-on-Thames

 Shepperton Marina, Felix Ln, Shepperton TW17 8NS

Shepperton Marina Ltd can be found on the River Thames in Middlesex and quite near to Shepperton-on-Thames.

What can be found at: Shepperton Marina Ltd

Situated in a delightful backwater between Shepperton and Sunbury locks, the Marina enjoys a peaceful air of rural tranquillity. Yet London is only some 30 minutes away by road and direct access to the river offers the boat owner a variety of cruising choices.

At Shepperton Marina we have dozens of delightful moorings ideal for conventional small-to-medium sized motor boats and river craft, almost all with electrical hook-ups and water supply. All within easy reach of showers, toilets and other facilities.

On Site Facilities

  • Secure moorings with electricity and water
  • Marina open seven days a week
  • Petrol and diesel fuel jetty
  • Closed circuit TV surveillance of key areas
  • High security perimeter fence
  • Fob access entry/exit gate
  • Full chandlery and marine stores
  • Large servicing and repair workshops
  • Bottled gas supplies
  • 22 ton boat lift
  • Multiple shower and toilet facilities
  • 24 hour pump out/Elsan point
  • Laundry room facilities
  • Ample car parking
  • New and brokerage boat sales office
  • Boat cleaning & valeting
  • Hardstanding facilities
  • Valuable concessions at adjacent Holiday Inn
  • Many other discounts available

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