Norton Canes Boat ServicesBoat Builders & Fitters, Gas Logs & Coal, Docking Hardstanding & Storage, Chandlery Equipment & Supplies, Painting & Signage, Fenders Ropes & Mooring Equipment, Boat Sales, Elsan Disposal, Electric Hookup, Water Points, Water Point in Facilities,  in or near to Tamworth

Norton Canes Boat Services can be found on the Coventry Canal in Warwickshire and quite near to Tamworth.

What can be found at: Norton Canes Boat Services

Full range of boatyard services at the heart of the Midlands canal network.
Norton Canes Boatbuilders were established in 1986 when proprietor Graham Edgson took over the business from Malcolm Braine. Malcolm began building boats in 1966 and acquired a reputation for producing fine looking craft often with steel hulls and wooden cabins. Whilst working for Malcolm, Graham progressed with the addition of steel superstructures and was working as Malcolm's foreman up until the opportunity arose to run the operation himself due to Malcolm's retirement.

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