Newbury Boat CompanyMarinas, Boat Diesel, Gas Logs & Coal, Chandlery Equipment & Supplies, Fuel Filtration & Additives, Pump Out & Sanitation Services, Elsan Disposal, Refuse Disposal & Recycling, Laundry, Electric Hookup, Water Points, Short Term Mooring, Toilets, Long Term Mooring,  in or near to Newbury

 Ham Manor Marina, London Road, Newbury RG14 2BP

Newbury Boat Company can be found on the Kennet and Avon Canal in Berkshire and quite near to Newbury.

What can be found at: Newbury Boat Company

Situated on the Kennet and Avon Canal in Newbury, just upstream from Ham Lock, Ham Manor Marina offers moorings for over 70 narrow boats and barges in an attractive and beautifully maintained offline moorings basin.

Established in 1973 by Bill and Sue Fisher, Newbury Boat Company has always been a family run business, now owned and operated by Emma and Derek Fearnley, their daughter and son-in-law.

As resident owners, we take pride in our reputation for excellent customer service, in a friendly and much admired marina which is situated within a Site of Special Scientific Interest. We have well established areas of planting, natural reeds and a small copse bordering the river.

We have resident staff and electric security gates to our well lit car park. There is also security lighting throughout the marina with sensors so moorers can safely gain access to their boats after dark. You will see a map and directions to find us on the Contact Us page, as, although we are handily close to Newbury, we are well hidden from the road, so even local people don’t know the marina is here.

We are conveniently close to excellent transport routes including the M4, A4 and A34. Newbury has a very good east / west rail service from London to the West Country and connections to all other areas via Reading. We even have a bus stop near by if you prefer not to walk or drive into town.

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