Please note that submissions for businesses that are not in some way a resource for Boaters or Waterways Users, will be ignored.
Users of this website are searching for all manner of services to the boater, try think how a boater may search for your business or services
"Your Name" Add your name as you wish it to appear in the entry
"Your Email Address" Take care to ensure correct entry
"Your Business Name" Add your business name as you wish it to appear in the entry
"Your Phone Number" Add the number that is best for users to contact you on
"Add your website" i.e.
"Address" Be sure to enter your full business address including postcode
"Image Upload" Browse to a chosen image
Only file extensions jpg,jpeg, gif, png will upload
When adding social media addresses, it's best to copy and paste
Description of your business: be sure to list your services and any special strengths. Try not to be brief, let us have as much information as you can.
Users of the information displayed in this website or in websites linked to directly or indirectly, do so on the basis that it is a guide only. I Do Canals or its directors, partners or associates do not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies, omissions, costs incurred or disappointments of any kind what-so-ever. It is the users responsibility to check directly with any services, displayed, listed or linked to in or from this website, or associated parties with regards to (but not limited to) directions, costs, facilities, services, hospitality, availability, accommodation, etc. There is no implied recommendation for any of the entries or firms listed, nor is any criticism implied for any entry or firm not yet listed.
We have added 103 Waterways and there are 2683 entries listed and displayed on our maps and/or the resource pages:
Waterways Resources -
Boat Build & Fit Out -
Waterside Attractions. We continue to add items on a very regular basis.
Many entries have several services on offer, on average 5 services (some have many more). This means there are approx. 5 x the number of services listed.